Thanks for the comment, Tim.
Going to repost what I said to you for others.
I'm fighting for 2 points here:
1. Trends: We will never hit those 20 bil or 100 bil numbers you're talking about as the trends suggest the opposite. China, Korea, Japan, and even much of the Western world is having a total reversal; and you can see it point blank in my generation (Z)
2. Tech: During the green revolution the world became awash with resources and wealth; some of that was used to make the planet more sustainable (amount of trees in the United States and China have increased by 34 percent and 15 percent, respectively) and in many ways we have squandered opportunities, as you said.
Nothing suggests to me, however, that a future scientist cannot find a better way to optimize nuclear energy or better implement renewables.
With this article I want to stimulate the other side of thought and epistemology on this argument, and in doing so I appreciate people like you. You've given me much to think about. Thanks Tim.